
Our professional team lead and engage using proven, dynamic processes.

Craig Jones | Director

Craig is an accredited mediator in Australia and PNG, who has over 30 years experience working with Indigenous communities to progress development.  Craig’s mediation work is focused on the complex matters, matters involving violence and matters involving Indigenous peoples.

Craig understands the complexities of negotiating outcomes in tense environments.  Craig leads RREDD engagement with clients in the belief that development can be for the benefit of all parties and risk (external and internal) when identified and acknowledged can be managed.

Craig has leadership experience in the resources, government and academic sectors. He has long term experience in engaging with communities. 

Justin Saunders | Director

For the past twenty years Justin has built a strong career in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs spanning Education, Social Housing, Health, Policy and Research and Native Title.

Throughout his career Justin has maintained a strong passion for self determination through Aboriginal and Islander Community Control.  Justin is a proud Aboriginal man from the Bigambul Nation of Goondiwindi and Gunggari Nation of Mitchell, South and West Queensland.

Justin has held numerous Directorships in various Aboriginal and Islander Community Controlled Organisations in health, education and training and homelessness and housing.  For the past eight years he has been the Chairperson of the Brisbane Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Housing Authority (BATSICCHA) and is also a representative of the Department of Housing and Public Works, Ministerial Housing Council. 

Justin was previously the CEO of the Central Queensland Regional Aboriginal and Islander Community Controlled Health Organisation (CQRAICCHO) and prior to this held numerous positions in senior management leading innovation and reforms in social and economic determinants to improve access for his community across the human and social services sectors. 

Justin was also the CEO of the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC).  Currently, Justin serves as the Executive Director of the Bigambul Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (BNTAC) the prescribed body corporate leading contemporary innovations and models of best practice in governance, leadership, cultural heritage and native title.

Matthew Cooke | Director

Matthew has a strong background serving the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Sector as both a Director and CEO over the past 13 years. His active involvement spans all levels of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs – local, regional, state and national. Matthew is a proud Aboriginal and South Sea Islander from the Bailai (Byellee) people in Gladstone, Central Queensland.

Matthew was elected as Deputy Chair of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) in 2011, then appointed as Chairperson in November 2014 and served until November 2017.

He was previously the CEO of Nhulundu Wooribah Indigenous Health Organisation Inc, the Aboriginal Medical Service in Gladstone, for more than six years. During this time Matthew served as the Deputy Chair and the Secretary of the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC). In 2012 Matthew was appointed as the Indigenous Affairs Manager for Bechtel Australia, a renowned worldwide engineering, procurement and construction company. Following this Matthew later served as the Chief Executive Officer of QAIHC from 2014 through to 2017.

Matthew has also been a Native Title Applicant and is the current Chairman of the First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng, Gooreng and Taribelang Bunda peoples prescribed body corporate. Currently Matthew serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Gladstone Region Aboriginal & Islander Community Controlled Health Service (GRAICCHS) and is seconded as CEO to the Centre for Rural and Regional Indigenous Health (CRRIH).

In 2007 Matthew was named Young Leader in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and in 2008 received the Deadly Vibe Young Leader award. Recently Matthew was appointed as a Board Member of the Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service for a 3 year term.

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